Safety Warning: go low-moderate load for this exercise. No-one wants to face plant with a heavy bar on their back. 6-10kg for youth athlete, 10-15kg for adults. Too light and the constraint of the bar won’t work.
The Kneeling Good Morning is the second part of a 3 part series to teach a perfect hip hinge using advanced coaching techniques. This series is one of only 2 entry points into a myriad of Hinging variations for posterior chain development from every angle.
All Good Morning variations provide a positive constraint on Lumbar Spine Posture and encourage optimal Lumbo-Pelvic Control in Hinging patterns. This kneeling variation forges a link between 2 complex coordination skills:
- maintenance of Lumbar Spine neutral as the hip flexes/ extends and
- counterbalancing of the hips to remain balanced learned (learned in the Kneeling Hip Hinge).
The limitations with this exercise are that A) kneeling exercises have low relevance or transfer to the majority of sporting movement done in standing, and B) there’s limited opportunity to load. As such we must progress onto the Good Morning in standing and beyond to Romanian Deadlifts to address these issues.
As with all high-constraints exercises, be light with your coaching cues (see the coaching card), let the task to the teaching and the athlete work it out themselves.