Below is a list of the 14 Exercise Categories along with the opportunities available with each to correct gross motor dysfunction if we prioritise these motor control and strength qualities in our exercise selection and coaching.

CategoryGross Motor Dysfunction that we see
SquatExcessive forward lean during triple flexion/extension tasks. Poor alignment of hip-knee-ankle-foot derails the hubscher reflex.
HingeExcessive lumbar extension or flexion during forward lean tasks. Lumbo-Pelvic control in the saggital plane often lacking as a foundation of stability for the shoulder, hip and beyond. 
LungeUndesirable trunk and shoulder motions during sprint deceleration tasks often the result of poor strength and motor control in single leg stance. 
StepTrendelenberg action during walking, running and sprinting a fundamental energy leak for the transmission of power through the pelvis.
CalfPoor Soleus and Gastrocnemius strength fundamental to the optimal function of the entire posterior chain. Strength, Strength-Endurance and Reactive Strength all important.
Upper BodyAbility to centre and control the humeral head in the glenoid fossa often lacking. A handful of “scapula-skills’ critical to optimal function for a diverse array of shoulder compression and distraction tasks. Poor integration of the shoulder in the kinetic chain to create and dissipate power places focal stress on the area.
Anti-ExtensionInability to maintain the lumbar spine and pelvis as a static and stable position from which to anchor motion of the appendicular skeleton. 
Anti-Lateral FlexionInability to withstand lateral forces on the body, heavily influenced by strength.
Dissociation Inability to express full hip and/or shoulder range of motion without excessive lumbar spine motion.
Spiral LinesAnterior and Posterior Oblique Slings often compromised during reflex rotational power development. 
FlexionInability to flex the lumbar spine in the absorption of forces from overhead sporting motions. Poor lumbar mobility also has negative implication on hip flexion mobility.