Swiss Ball Rollouts (kneeling)

Swiss Ball Rollouts (kneeling)

Trunk: Dissociation
Level: 5
Target Action: Linear Dissociation
Kit: Body Weight
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Dissociation The ability to stiffen the lumbar spine in a neutral position while the legs and arms move is an important skill for both performance and injury prevention. It is important to distinguish between this and Ant-Extension Isometrics. Here the flexibility of the hips and shoulders are as important as the brute force of the abdominals to resist lumbar extension. Dissociation drills require both strength and flexibility.
Exercises in the Fundamentals Theme build directly upon the skills learned previously. We progress to exercises that become the bedrock of effective strength training by challenging the athlete to maintain postural excellence while resisting against poor positions. With greater opportunity for intensification, postural control and strength development occur in parallel. In doing so, the movements that we are strengthening are not at odds with the dynamic and fluid sports skills that we seek to enhance.

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