Anti-Extension The ability to resist lumbar extension and an anterior pelvic tilt in the vast majority of athletic skills is fundamental to performance and injury resilience. ‘Lumbar Neutral’ is a term used to describe a mid-range spinal posture from which the trunk musculature is optimally recruited to generate stiffness. Lumbar spine stiffness is vital for the transmission of forces between the arms and legs and as such is fundamental to performance in almost every sports skill.
What series of strength exercise would, if performed optimally, demonstrate the extremes of human movement and maximally test local and global stability strategies with high relevance to sports performance? The Mastery Theme houses these exercises across all 14 Exercise Categories. The most extreme demands of multiple Exercise Categories completely converge leaving absolutely nowhere for movement deficiencies to hide. These exercises demonstrate an exquisite balance of strength, flexibility and reactive stability and represent elite movement competency in a gym setting.