Single Arm Cable Row (standing)
Upper Body: Horizontal Pull
Level: 9
Target Action: Dynamic
Upper Body
Kit: cables
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The shoulder is a highly mobile joint and is often the victim of poor posture, low levels of strength and poor transfer of energy through the kinetic chain.
Horizontal Pulling often builds directly on Scapula Skills learned in the Horizontal Pushing Category and is used to immediately challenge coordination under a Distraction Load which tries to pull the athlete out of good positions or all the athlete to demonstrate good eccentric muscle strength and control under load.
Exercises in the Horizontal Exercise Category are chosen for their ability to develop the muscles of the upper back which are important in the deceleration of the arm and dissipation of high forces during ballistic sports movements like throwing.
Key exercises in the Horizontal Pull Category include bent over rows, single arm rows and bench pulls.
The Challenge Theme is where Low Constraints and Exercise Intensity converge to test dynamic postural control under maximal loads. Here we use an array of movement tasks to actually encourage movement skills to crumble and ask athletes to defend optimal coordination using intense load or speed. Excelling in the Challenge Theme demonstrates an extremely trainable athlete across the 14 Exercise Categories. Every % increase in strength with these techniques demonstrates an increase in robustness and readiness to perform high quality movement at ever higher standards of performance.