Pull Ups from Elevation

Pull Ups from Elevation

Upper Body: Vertical Pull
Level: 5
Target Action: Dynamic
Upper Body
Kit: Chin Up Bar
The shoulder is a highly mobile joint and is often the victim of poor posture, low levels of strength and poor transfer of energy through the kinetic chain. Vertical Pull The latissimus dorsi are powerful muscles for athletic performance but they also have a tendency to derail shoulder stability and trunk posture by pulling the shoulder toward the hip. The Vertical Pull category is designed to harness and tame the power of latissimus dorsi with a major focus on shoulder and trunk postures to resist destructive postures and optimise it’s powerful role within the kinetic chain. That taming of Latissimus Dorsi’s power is important in all Upper Body Categories but none more so as in the Vertical Push Category in allowing Upward Scapula Rotation.
Exercises in the Fundamentals Theme build directly upon the skills learned previously. We progress to exercises that become the bedrock of effective strength training by challenging the athlete to maintain postural excellence while resisting against poor positions. With greater opportunity for intensification, postural control and strength development occur in parallel. In doing so, the movements that we are strengthening are not at odds with the dynamic and fluid sports skills that we seek to enhance.


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