Lateral Hurdle Straight Leg Hurdle Step with Assistance
Lateral Hurdle Straight Leg Hurdle Step with Assistance
Level: 5
Target Action: Dynamic
Kit: Hurdle
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Step progressions are an accessory exercise in a lower body programme yet they offer a unique opportunity to develop strength and motor control specific to sprinting. Hip-Lock is a critical position for effective acceleration and top-speed running. Achieving it requires the coordination of hip and oblique system in single leg stance with the stance knee extended. The Step progression targets this specific coordination under load and increasing movement complexity.
Exercises in the Fundamentals Theme build directly upon the skills learned previously.
We progress to exercises that become the bedrock of effective strength training by challenging the athlete to maintain postural excellence while resisting against poor positions. With greater opportunity for intensification, postural control and strength development occur in parallel. In doing so, the movements that we are strengthening are not at odds with the dynamic and fluid sports skills that we seek to enhance.