High to Low Chop with Ring (Strongest Stance)

High to Low Chop with Ring (Strongest Stance)

Trunk: Spiral Lines
Level: 6
Kit: Band
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Spiral Lines Blistering rotational power is the effect of multiple segments of the body coordinating together to achieve something much greater than the sum of it’s parts. Rotational power is delivered from the hip to the opposite side shoulder in a very specific plyometric stretch-reflex through the anterior oblique sling. This category reverse engineers the freedom of movement, local segmental stability, multi-segmental coordination, timing and strength required to maximise the sequencing of this chain of muscles to transmit powerful forces from the lower body.
Exercises in the Fundamentals Theme build directly upon the skills learned previously. We progress to exercises that become the bedrock of effective strength training by challenging the athlete to maintain postural excellence while resisting against poor positions. With greater opportunity for intensification, postural control and strength development occur in parallel. In doing so, the movements that we are strengthening are not at odds with the dynamic and fluid sports skills that we seek to enhance.

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