Floor Press (DB) with Protraction

Floor Press (DB) with Protraction

Upper Body: Horizontal Push
Level: 6
Target Action: Dynamic
Upper Body
Kit: Barbell
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The shoulder is a highly mobile joint and is often the victim of poor posture, low levels of strength and poor transfer of energy through the kinetic chain. Horizontal Pushing is one of the 4 foundation upper body Exercise Categories and includes classic lifts such as Bench Pressing, Press Ups and Bench Throws. Of the 4 upper body Categories, we can use the Horizontal Pushing progressions to establish good postural understanding in our athletes before layering in challenges of load, speed and decreasing constraints on high quality coordination. The most fundamental skill developed here is centering the humeral head in the glenoid fossa and all other Scapula Skills (protraction, upward rotation, elevation and depression) in this training system grow out of this primary athletic quality.
Exercises in the Fundamentals Theme build directly upon the skills learned previously. We progress to exercises that become the bedrock of effective strength training by challenging the athlete to maintain postural excellence while resisting against poor positions. With greater opportunity for intensification, postural control and strength development occur in parallel. In doing so, the movements that we are strengthening are not at odds with the dynamic and fluid sports skills that we seek to enhance.


Laying Heavy DB Hold in Retraction
Laying Heavy DB Hold in Retraction
Upper Body: Horizontal Push
Level: 1
Laying Heavy DB Hold with Protraction
Laying Heavy DB Hold with Protraction
Upper Body: Horizontal Push
Level: 2
Floor Press (DB) in Retraction
Floor Press (DB) in Retraction
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Level: 3
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Level: 3
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Press Up Hold to Inchworm
Upper Body: Horizontal Push
Level: 3
Floor Press (DB) with Protraction
Floor Press (DB) with Protraction
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Level: 4
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Level: 5
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Press Up (Kneeling)
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Level: 4
Press Up at 45 degrees
Press Up at 45 degrees
Upper Body: Horizontal Push
Level: 4
Press Up
Press Up
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Level: 5
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Bench Press with Dumbells in Retraction
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Level: 7
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Level: 9
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Bench Press on Swiss Ball with DB (Single Arm)
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Level: 8