Box Step Up (Front Loaded) to A-Frame
Level: 8
Target Action: Dynamic
Kit: Barbell
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Step progressions are an accessory exercise in a lower body programme yet they offer a unique opportunity to develop strength and motor control specific to sprinting. Hip-Lock is a critical position for effective acceleration and top-speed running. Achieving it requires the coordination of hip and oblique system in single leg stance with the stance knee extended. The Step progression targets this specific coordination under load and increasing movement complexity.
The Challenge Theme is where Low Constraints and Exercise Intensity converge to test dynamic postural control under maximal loads. Here we use an array of movement tasks to actually encourage movement skills to crumble and ask athletes to defend optimal coordination using intense load or speed. Excelling in the Challenge Theme demonstrates an extremely trainable athlete across the 14 Exercise Categories. Every % increase in strength with these techniques demonstrates an increase in robustness and readiness to perform high quality movement at ever higher standards of performance.